Thursday, June 13, 2019

Mariel of RedWall! Exciting and Mysterious Questing!!

Mariel of RedWall is the fourth book of the RedWall Series. It is about a young field mouse and her father in the claws of an evil sea rat who calls himself King. (This may be a little of Mariel's point of view) Mariel was flung into the ocean to drown, it was a restless sea that flung her around like bait for a fish....... Mariel woke up on the beach starved, thirsty, and nearly dead, gulls and seabirds were around, so, she flung her gullwhacker and drove them off. Feeling restless she went inland and began her first thoughts of her life, she could not remember anything, her name, her life and the only thing she could remember was she was the daughter of Joseph the Bellmaker. Meanwhile, at RedWall Abbey, creatures were getting ready for supper, (A few days later.) Mariel and Tarquin T. Woodsorrel had arrived at the abbey. Mariel had good fighting wash and a nice decent meal. Thats when after a few days meeting new friends, she secretly stole off to avenge her fathers death, but Tarquin, Durry Mole and Dandin the mouse secretly went with her. The four went on a dangerous quest to the sea meeting enemies, swampland, A Badger Lord, slaves and a big fight against the sea rats. While RedWall faces death, sea rats, enemies, battles and shelter.

This book is truly a fighting story of a warrior, it is well described and very adventurous. It is one of my favorite books to read. My favorite characters are TreeRose, Mariel, The Dibbuns (Who are the infants), Hon Rosie, Brairdege Thyme and Clary (The rabbit troupe from Salamandastron).
All of these characters are funny and adventurous!

Make sure to check out the local library or go to Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and Books A Million!

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