Thursday, June 13, 2019

Magic TreeHouse Books 7,8 and 9! Exploring the Wild and Past!!

On this post I will be typing about Sunset of the Sabertooth, Midnight on the Moon and Dolphins at Daybreak by Mary Pope Osborne.They are the MagicTreeHouse books that are seven, eight and Nine!!

Sunset of the Sabertooth is about Jack and Annie going to the past, The Ice Age to be exact, in a snowstorm. They see a Giant Bear, Cro-Mangon, A Cave full of painting of what the Cro-Mangon believed, it showed animals of Ice Age, stories of unknown, and brilliant ideas to be safe and well. The two saw a sabertooth, got caught in a trap, met a sorcerer and had an animal parade back to the treehouse. They got the third magic thing, a flute, made of mammoth bone.

This Chilly tale is a weird one, to me. It seems as if the animals obey the magic flute, like the sabertooth backed away when Jack played! It is still a fun tale to read for A.R. or for fun.
I wonder if I could ever visit the Ice Age, Impossible, but possible with imagination! I really like this series cause it does a lot about past or discovering history, even about past tragidies like the Titanic!

Midnight on the Moon is when Jack and Annie are on their last item to save Morgan, but they go to the Moon to find it! They take on an unessacary adventure and see a moon man, the American Flag that marks the first mission to the moon, and saving Morgan, the mouse! They made the moonwalk around the moon, as they did the moon man took a visit with Morgan!

This tale is a moon-walk feeling for me, I read it, when I am done, I need to do the moonwalk! It makes me laugh, when you can not pick yourself up when you fall. I would like to be as light as a feather! (I am way lighter than my friends, I can barely pick them up, while they can pick me up very high!)

Dolphins at DayBreak is about Jack and Annie going to the Ocean to solve a riddle and become Master Librarians. They land on an island, jump into a mini-sub and explore the sea. They meet dolphins, 5,000 types of fish in the reef, hammerhead shark, and a giant octopus. The two have to swim calmly to escape the shark and have a little ride back with dolphins! But, they have not solved the riddle yet, which is an oyster, which have a pearl on the inside of the rough outline and body!

I like this book cause Jack and Annie meet and see sea creatures, have an underwater adventure and find a colorful surprise! This is a friendly adventure and story for kids to read. I hope you all agree with me!

Magic Tree House, Book 4,5 and 6!! Field Trip of Magic!!

These Magic TreeHouse books are Pirates Past Noon, Night of the Ninjas and Afternoon on the Amazon!

 When Jack and Annie are whisked away to the high seas of the Caribbean, they have to help Captain Bones and his crew find Captain Kidd's treasure on the island they landed on. So, they only relax on the beach for a few minutes when they are captured and have to solve the treasure map on the island that looks like a whale with a rock as the whale's eye..... They found the treasure, but quick, a storm is coming!! The pirates ditch them and run back to the ship. But they have met Polly the Parrot.... Who is really Morgan Le Flay from Camelot!!!!!

This book is a friendly tale for kids to red about the adventure Jack and Annie have, it gives everybody the excitement of Hurry Up Jack!!! or Run Annie!! To give more details of what I said, I mean tell them what to do or encourage them to do something.
This story is mainly fiction but this Captain Bones guy, he needs to read a book about pirates someday!!

Night of the Ninjas is about when Jack and Annie are going home from the library and check to see if the TreeHouse is still there. They find a note from Morgan Le Flay that says she is trapped in a spell and they have to find four things to undo the spell. So, Annie points to a book of Old Japan and Ninjas. They meet a mouse and two Ninjas who are rivals with the Japanese warriors, Samurai, they have to be nature, use nature and follow nature to survive the field trip. When they get back to the treehouse, the Ninja Master is sitting in a corner of the treehouse and gives them a moonlight stone as one of the four items they need.

This is a tale that makes me feel, let's say wise and known for being smart and wise. This also proves that nature is important and the Japanese have an ancient history of Rulers and Temples. It is a five star book and many kids like this bestselling series so I told you folks about it!

Afternoon on the Amazon is about when Jack and Annie are whisked away to Brazil and Peru in the rainforest to find the second item. They meet Army ants, A Cheeky monkey, Crocodiles, Jaguars and Piranhas in this crazy jungle book! (Get it, you are reading a book with an adventure in the jungle!) They race through the forest, canopy (above 150 ft. from the ground.), through the Amazon River and   see animals of all types!

Friendly kids book about animals and the wild! It gives a certain feeling of needing to read it again or reading it. This book is my second favorite of the series! So, My favorite book is the Knight at Dawn, then Afternoon on the Amazon, Midnight on the Moon, Dolphins at Daybreak and Ghost Town at SunDown! (I probably don't even have half the series so this is why there may be not a lot of Magic Treehouse posts!)

Magic Tree House Books of 1,2 and 3! A Magical Expedition of Mystery!

Magic Tree House Is By Mary Pope Osborne, I will be telling you guys my opinion of Dinosaurs Before Dark, The Knight at Dawn and Mummies in the Morning.

Dinosaurs Before Dark is about Jack and Annie discovering a magic treehouse, when they open a book about dinosaurs, Jack wishes he could see a dinosaur and they are whisked away to a different time. Annie and Jack meet a T-Rex, Triceratops, Pteranodon and an unnamed mother that they call a duck-billed dinosaur. This adventure whisked them away to Dino-Land!!!

This is a magical and historic story of the times Dinosaurs roamed the earth, is is unknown how the dinosaurs disappeared. It is a 5 star review to most people and will make you smile and wish you were Jack and Annie.

(Annie could not point to the knight book in time, so, she did it this time in their second adventure.)
The Knight at Dawn is about  Jack and Annie having encounters with Queens and Kings, Knights, Music, Feasts, Castles and more! It is a middle aged adventure in the time of Queens and Kings for Curious Annie and Scientific Jack! The two found out about history back in time and secret passages.

I would like to be Jack and Annie on this adventure! Personally, I would like to have lived in the age of Kings and Queens. So, this is probably my favorite book in the whole series! I know the Magic Tree House series is a well loved one, so, i decided to tell you guys my likings and opinions!

Mummies in the Morning is about when Jack and Annie find a book that was not open last time they were in the treehouse, so, Annie points to it and they travel off to ancient Egypt to help a long dead Queen go to afterlife. They have to go through the long maze like tunnels and chambers of this pyramid and solve the ancient Egypt language with the help of the strange cat! They wind their way down stairs, then to a boat with a jug that has a cloth with the readings for the Queen to go to afterlife.

Mummies in the Morning gives a small chill of excitement down my back, it is an adventurous tale of Jack and Annie! It has a really mysterious feeling to this book and makes me feel, like, weird I would say. It answers questions that Jack has and gives Annie the excitement!

Serafina! Alway Mystery and Excitment!

(Heads up folks, I am doing all the Serafina books in this post) Serafina and the Black Cloak, Serafina and the Twisted Staff and Serafina and the Splintered Heart are by Robert Beatty.

Serafina lives with her Pa in the Biltmore Estate's workshop or basement, she is part catamount, so she is up at night and hides in the day, asleep. When children start to go missing, she looks around the Estate in daylight and meets the Vanderbilt's nephew, Braeden. Serafina and Braeden team up and try to stop this evil cloak that steals people's talents and souls.

Serafina and the Black Cloak is a mysterious tale of evil and adventure with magic inside of the two friends. It is a caring and magical story that makes my day when I read it. 10 stars for me!

Serafina defeats the man in the black cloak and saves the children, so, she enters the daylight world and meets her mother secretly at night to learn the ways of a catamount.
As a series of attacks and ambushes tears Serafina away from her best friend, her only friend and ally. She flees as her friends and family think her as the traitor, but when goes deep in the wood she finds out the source of the evil and tries to encourage her friend to help her against the evil.

This book made me cry only once, but it is exciting tale of misfortune and reality but has the adventure and caring feeling of love altogether at once. It is mystical adventures in one.

Serafina has woken up in a grave and remembers nothing of her old life that causes her to have this evil upon her. Her heart is in halves, she cannot communicate to her friends, only an old evil and ally. As the witch communicates with Braeden and tells him Serafina is a spirit, they fix her with having her be a victim of the black cloak, she is almost taken when she is upon the cloak torn in pieces and Serafina fully human.

This book is my favorite, I enjoy the adventure it takes to help Serafina out. It is a book of true friendship!

Heads Up!!

This is not a normal post cause I am letting you guys know my reviews for the next few posts!

So, I am going to keep doing RedWall, MagicTree House and maybe some Magus Chase for posts! I will be ordering More Magic Tree House and RedWall. Also for beginners I suggest Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Daisy Dawnson, Percy Jackson, Septimius Heap and more!

Please tell me your favorite bookstores that are not listed below of book series or books that you like and want me to share with everyone!!

BookStore List:

  •  Barnes and Nobles
  • Books A Million
Okay, these other post are really Magic TreeHouse and Serafina.

Martin the Warrior! A Tall Tale of Peace! ( and lets say war cause of the fighting)

Martin the Warrior is the 6th book of the RedWall Series. It is about the Tyrant Badrang Capturing Martin, with the help of a mole named Grumm and a young mouse maid named Rose, Martin, Felldoh the squirrel and Brome the mouse escape. But they swear to come back to defeat Badrang. The friends are separated at sea, Felldoh and Brome land near the friendly camping tent of the Traveling Circus! They become friends and think of a plane to rescue the rest of the slaves. While Martin, Rose and Grumm end up in babysitting slaves for a tribe of field mice with their friend Pallum. Martin and his friends escape and carrying on traveling home. Captain Tramun Clogg and the Tyrant start having war, so, Felldoh and Brome rescue the remaining slaves and then join the war for their name, The Fur and Freedom fighters! Martin and friends end up at Rose's home, Noonvale, and they go back to war with NoonVale, The Guossum shrews, Hedgehogs, Salmandastron, Otters and the Squirrel Tribe. The Fur and Freedom and fighters horde down on the sea rats and tyrant's followers and win. Every one goes back to peaceful creatures!

I love this story that has passed onto redwall for generations to come. This story was told (in the book) from some travelers who were descendants of Rose and Pallum. RedWall has came to know this exciting tale of fame, and readers too!! I just love this book, it makes me have all the personal feelings and makes a world connection for me.

Salmandastron!! Euelia!!!!!!!

Salmandastron is about Ferahgo the Assasain trying to get the Salmandastron treasure that is hidden in the great mountain. At Redwall, Aura and Samkin take on a dangerous journey to hunt down the weasel and stoat that stole the sword of Martin the Warrior. They have help from the Guossum shrews on the bank of a stream and set sail to follow a fox and vermin who killed the stoat. While at Salmandastron, Mara and Pikkle run away and end up heading to the Great Lake to find the black stone of Guossum, the two discover more to the Lord of Salmandastron and his unknown past of his childhood. Mara, Samkin, Pikkle and Aura meet up and hear the battle raging at Salmandastron. So they help out in the war and defeat Ferahgo and his vermin. The four friends corner the enemy that is in the mountain, they all do the final attack and kill off the enemy.

This is the greatest book ever! I have read it so intently my eyes have hurt. This book gives me the wish to be a character in the book. It is a sad and exciting book that has made me cry, laugh, gasp and squirm. My favorite character is Mara, she is a strong, brave young badger who would do anything to protect her father, her only family she has known. It is just a lovely tale that I love!

Mariel of RedWall! Exciting and Mysterious Questing!!

Mariel of RedWall is the fourth book of the RedWall Series. It is about a young field mouse and her father in the claws of an evil sea rat who calls himself King. (This may be a little of Mariel's point of view) Mariel was flung into the ocean to drown, it was a restless sea that flung her around like bait for a fish....... Mariel woke up on the beach starved, thirsty, and nearly dead, gulls and seabirds were around, so, she flung her gullwhacker and drove them off. Feeling restless she went inland and began her first thoughts of her life, she could not remember anything, her name, her life and the only thing she could remember was she was the daughter of Joseph the Bellmaker. Meanwhile, at RedWall Abbey, creatures were getting ready for supper, (A few days later.) Mariel and Tarquin T. Woodsorrel had arrived at the abbey. Mariel had good fighting wash and a nice decent meal. Thats when after a few days meeting new friends, she secretly stole off to avenge her fathers death, but Tarquin, Durry Mole and Dandin the mouse secretly went with her. The four went on a dangerous quest to the sea meeting enemies, swampland, A Badger Lord, slaves and a big fight against the sea rats. While RedWall faces death, sea rats, enemies, battles and shelter.

This book is truly a fighting story of a warrior, it is well described and very adventurous. It is one of my favorite books to read. My favorite characters are TreeRose, Mariel, The Dibbuns (Who are the infants), Hon Rosie, Brairdege Thyme and Clary (The rabbit troupe from Salamandastron).
All of these characters are funny and adventurous!

Make sure to check out the local library or go to Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and Books A Million!